Purple Haze

No 'Smoke on the Water' here but this hoverfly was certainly drowning in the purple haze. He was not moving as it was grey, chilly and breezy.

I was out on my dog walk on my own, primarily because Baby B or toddler B had kept them up all night and we still have the jet lag scenario. Hubs and I are quite exhausted as we've been trying to both of us do our office work and for me it's been the quarterly vat thingy though on a plus I have a full fridge. I can magic anything for any body ......possibly. 

Negotiating the stairgate in the morning with a cup of tea and cup of coffee in hand is a challenge I have to say but I can do it :) Poppy is less enthusiastic but bearing up. We are teaching BT the word 'gentle' as he goes for the kill in stroking Poppy however she isn't cowering quite as much or even at all but looking warily under her white fringe as she sees the tiny hand approaching.

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