Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

EB - Flowers

Today has been busy. This morning the celebrant to sort out the details and order of service for Mr T's funeral next week. The lady chosen by the funeral director is a perfect match. A visit from Dave the Book. I gave him the signed copy of the Murray Walker book he'd been reading with Mr T, the Boofle David mug, and this made him the most emotional, the loose change he'd found when Mr T was anxious about buying trinkets. Dave was able to assure him this was the change left over after buying them.

This afternoon Krys and Emily from the hospital to review the 'bad' things that happened in the last times Mr T was in hospital. Things that will now be fed back to the right teams and used for training to try and prevent anyone else going through the same ordeal.

Week 5 of 6 for the portrait art course tonight. I shall be sad when it ends.

I have made a memory video which will be played with tracks 1, 3 and 4 of Subtract by Ed Sheran as people are taking their seats. Happy to share this by email to anyone who wants to see it. Eulogy fine tuned. Just need to sort out the playlist for the wake.

I was invited by Jo and Pete to go to London with them and a day trip to Weymouth. One way or another, mostly dictated by the date of the funeral and having people to look after Beau we will be going away the day after the funeral for two nights. It will be super scary and weird. I haven't seen the sea or had any break, or even been more than about 25 miles from the home since we went to Llanelli in September 2019. I'm grateful to be invited as I don't think right now I would do this on my own. Dad has also kindly given me an equal amount as he's given to my sister to go to Silverstone next year, and Dave the Book has said he will come with me. 

I will never get over losing Mr T, but I feel so grateful to have people looking after me. I'm not sure I'd be able to pick myself up and keep going without them.

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