I Am Doubly Blessed!

I intended to do Tiny Tuesday this morning as I started out on my walk, but  when the Green Heron dropped into wish me a happy July 4th, I realized that my original intentions had to be set aside, so that I could properly observe the Heron Rule!  You know that if I see any of the Herons and can get a decent shot, then you see the Heron.  I would be willing to bet that very few people have a Heron drop by with holiday greetings! So, that was one blessing for me.  I also wanted to thank my sweet friend who had somehow become aware that we did not have a proper flag to fly, because ours had gotten caught on something sharp during a windy time and was torn and therefore could not be used. The thoughtful gift of that friend was my second blessing for the day.  Actually I could go on listing blessings in my life.  I love the country I live in, the family and friends I share my life with and the God Who  has taken me through all the ups and downs of my life and is not finished with me yet! 

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