Spiderling Transport

A first for me! I've never seen a spider with its spiderlings on its back before. I photographed a wolf spider earlier this year carrying its egg sac and thought how wonderful it would be to see this but wasn't hopeful. I was searching for solitary bees on the convolvulus in the back garden when I noticed something moving in the grass. I didn't realise what it was at first. She was very quick and difficult to capture and quite small for a wolf spider. She's still carrying her egg sac which has more colourless spiderlings in it.

This morning I heard an unusual bird call in the garden. Boo - ee. Turns out it was a greenfinch. (Extras) I'm used to their wheezing and chattering but not this. I think it was a whole family of them.

It has been raining all afternoon. Mishka and I went out in it to get a shot of a juvenile buzzard on the northerly boiler house chimney. It has a rain drop on its beak. (Extras)

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