A ferociously hectic day yesterday and no time to blip but a slightly calmer one today. The book launch is now sorted and invites and notices went out and the reaction has been a bit overwhelming.  I also took a journalist down to a well and then he came back to conduct an interview - the cat, numerous books and gardening gloves were cleared from the conservatory table first, Actually the cat managed to be in a couple of photos before eventually being removed! Apologies, this is a bit of a self-promoting blip and I'm probably not allowed to do this but it's life!   A new blog  will give you the info you need (or probably don't!). Anyway, it's all quite terrifying and I just hope we actually have some physical copies of the book for the launch. It's going to be tight. 

A very pleasant coffee in the Heron with Ginny this morning and a walk around their gardens in-between showers but this is one of the lilies on our pond looking very dewy after a downpour.

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