Tea, anyone?

Sweet Baby was jumping for joy, Roma was salivating. Flavour of the day - Comfrey. It certainly looked appetising. First comfrey feed this year. Let's hope it hits the parts.
Overnight rain, well a shower by the looks of it, still dry below the courgette leaves, so not even a decent downpour. I gave a light, diluted chicken manure feed to the roots, fed the broad beans, runner beans, & peas. Turned a piece of ground ready for some yellow French bean plants thare arriving tomorrow. I made an open sandwich adding a layer of homemade compost, topped with chopped fresh comfrey leaves, seasoned with chicken manure pellets, then covered it with a sheet of landscape fabric to prevent the birds making a mess. I lifted 3 potato hulms, Charlotte finished, next Verity, a variety I'm unfamiliar with, decent yield, white flesh.
Indie disgraced herself on our morning walk I put her on the lead as a lady with 2 Springers was approaching from the opposite direction on the heath ( she's not always friendly with other dogs). The lady walked passed, her dogs followed not interested in Indie. Indie swung around, spinning me around too, I went crashing to the ground, banged the back of my head, but fortunately hung onto her lead. No damage done, but I felt a bit shaken. Indie had a very serious telling off I can tell you. We walked through another section of heath, spotted the cattle grazing so took a left turn, Indie started running towards the cattle. I screamed at her, & thankfully she stopped, & came back to me reluctantly, knowing she had been naughty again. Phew!!! I have difficulty projecting my voice since the cancer. Grh!!!
Back to Mum's, we sat & had coffee. I offered to help make her bed as she'd washed the bedding. She had'nt closed her bedroom door, Indie had been laying on her bed. She was damp from being hosed after going in a stinky pond. Ops!
Back home, lunch then watched some tennis from Wimbledon. Alcazar v Chardy. Great match.
A bit of faffing in the greenhouse as we've actually got some proper rain falling, not heavy, soaking rain, but it's wet, & it's very welcome.
Off to conjure up dinner with some of the courgettes from the plot.
Happy blipping folks!

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