On a Butterfly hunt...

The work on our fascias/guttering started today so I did the right thing by disappearing out for a local wander! Had some mail to post, and then ended up on the local downs for some butterfly hunting!

And I wasn't disappointed!!  And may have squealed a little when I spotted this chap in with the Commas - a Silver Washed Fritillary! A butterfly I'd not spotted before so managed to get 2 shots before it fluttered off!! Also spotted some White Letter hairstreaks, marbled whites, meadow browns, red admirals, small heath and tons of skippers!!
Always good when a walk provides lots to see!  Also spotted a new postbox topper near the church so that's a blip for another day haha!  Also got a bargain at the local florist who were selling off lavender plants for £1 each, so the 3 left are now all mine and have been potted up for the patio!

The blokes have now gone home as rain hit for the afternoon - typical that we've had weeks of dry weather, and now there's work to be done it's rainy!!  Typical Wimbledon weather too!

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