I wonder if he teaches Physics?

I also wondered, since I've forgotten over the last 5-7 Decades just what the difference is between the mks system and the SI system.
   Looking up SI units I find it uses "metres, kilograms, seconds; just like the mks system.  I also discovered there are a number of SI generations, depending upon which units were adopted.  Seems they kicked off with the metre/kilogram/second, then slowly added Amps, ˚K, etc.

Next task - Why ˚K as opposed to ˚C?
Just remembered - before I got round to checking.  0˚C = 273.15˚K  
If memory serves we were taught 274˚C.  I wonder if they've measured more accurately "sen Ah waz a lad" way back in the dawn of history.

It will, of course, be added to my collection; along with such Gems as
UP U 51R,   B10 HAY,   A11 HEN,   B16 TUP,  BOG 1 E,  etc.
(Just F Y I "John Bogie" is/was an existing person)

;¬ ) 

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