Nadiya Tempts Me Again

While we're cleaning the lodge on Saturdays we have a range of cookery programmes on the TV. Matt Tebbutt can get a bit noisy with his guests having too much fun, but I like snippets of Mary Berry, Nadiya Hussain, Rich Stein and Nigella Lawson. I also like to change channels for Lisa Faulkner with husband, John Torode. These folk often inspire me to look up their dishes when I get home.

Tonight I made Nadiya's Kiwi and Feta salad: not a limp lettuce leaf in sight. The first thing I did was put olive oil into a bowl and added squirted lemon juice into it. The next thing I did was reach for the camera!

Working with my gear from the studio is causing distress. I've got a lot of joy from giving things away but I'm finding selling on eBay a pain. I've used it before but now I find it difficult to navigate and people are messaging me asking me to post things I've said "collection only" to.

I don't want to post a 6' tall easel, even though the firm sent it to us via a carrier. I have both my easels being watched by folk far away. 

Thankfully, Wex has bought a few of my things, including Bowens lights and some Olympus lenses I can't use. I know I could have got better prices selling them myself but it's not all about money.

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