
(No change there, then! ;-))

The weather threatened rain, but stayed sunny for a visit to a garden centre with a lovely children's adventure playground, where little Miss B was in her element climbing. The sun was extremely bright at this point, making strong shadows. I never tire of shadows! Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting the Mono Monday challenges throughout July.

The Young Master was in his usual happy, contented mood, despite teething. The first of his top teeth is now all but through. It's a hefty size for a little baby and will be his third so far. (I'd forgotten all about 'teething nappies', but will elaborate no further in consideration of those of a sensitive disposition! Mrs B managed well. And she always carries a change of clothes for both children, wherever they go.)

Talking of change of clothes - time I changed into nightwear and took myself to bed, in my usual state of post-Family-B-time exhaustion. Happy exhaustion, of course! 

PS Apparently, while we were away across the Rutland and/or Leicestershire border in sunshine, our village had a sudden flurry of the gathering wind, followed by a sharp, heavy shower that culminated in hail. We had another shower this evening, too. The wind dried the ground very rapidly. But hail in July!

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