It's Out of the Bag... last....After years of  being stashed away, this needlepoint project has finally seen the light of day. For various reasons, it lost favour...It is one of those patterns that involve intricate shading, using yarns of colours so close in hue that they are often indistinguishable when represented on a paper pattern! And then, the Paternayan yarn I was using became difficult to find as the company quit making it! So...don't have enough of a colour? Good luck trying to find somewhere to buy it! Creative substitutions worked for some, but I still needed a hank of charcoal for the background 

Anyway, I came across the project bag the other day while rooting through my yarn cupboard and thought it was a shame to give up on it...While at the cottage, my  daughter took over the great search for the background yarn I wanted and found that although Paternayan is no longer making the yarn, another company is and has managed to very closely reproduce its colours! So.. the yarn is now on order and in light of that, I got out a needle and started to tackle the frustrating as it is ...

Another thing I accomplished? A walkabout in the garden with my garden helper Ian who has agreed to do some more work there for me! Yay! he now has a list of new chores to tackle! 

And..tonight was the finale of Endeavour on PBS...I have been waiting for ages to see that was the highlight of my evening...

Not a bad day..Oh yes, and the grocery store was open today so I now have food! Food is good.

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