White tailed bumblebee on toadflax

First session at Loughborough Hospital's physiotherapy gym. I managed everything but the four sessions I am allowed will be nowhere enough. The next three Mondays will see me out and I shall resist going to the leisure centre. The staff there have no understanding of patient needs.

Meanwhile, Len walked Basil on the nearby meadow. I emerged at 11:24 and we drove straight to Finkins for latte and an early brunch. I had a baked potato with tuna mayo and sweetcorn filling. They didn't stint on the filling either. Len nipped across to the Coop where he bumped into Colin, who joined us for coffee and chat.

I hadn't taken a camera with me as I had no idea of what to photograph today. On reaching home, I decided on the bees on toadflax. I'm very pleased with myself for being able to identify this bumblebee. The bees certainly love this plant which is why we shall leave it growing against the fence. I noticed that something, maybe a hedgehog, had forged a path against the fence.

Updated the RPS Travel Group website with the adjudication on June's competition. I was very pleased that my photo got a Highly Commended.

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