Where's .............

 .............. BikerBear Now??  (WBBN?)

Day Fifteen

Clue:  Part of a seafood appropriator in a body of water partially surrounded by land.

Featuring today:  Fings wot I seed on mi travels.   Lol.

In the extras you can see a selection of varied stuff.

My dump hotel left almost everything to be desired - the images and description online bear no resemblance whatsoever to what I experienced. 
Good points:  Clean bedding and towels and a comfy bed (once I had examined it for "things")
Bad points:  Everything else - and I'm not joking.
Tiny window with a blanket (I lie not) nailed to the wall as curtains;  AirCon unit secured to the wall with duct tape;  
No coffee/tea;  No hairdryer;  No iron;  No internet;  
Longterm "residents" lurking in the shadows; (made me a little nervous -  and I'm not a nervous person)
Bathroom so small that it would have been tricky to swing a mouse let alone a cat;  
I really can't list everything but, suffice to say, I will be reporting them to the company I booked through.  

Anyhow, it is what it is.

Back to the photos - I was undecided whether to post my "sunset" or the osprey as my main image ........ I went for the sunset as I haven't seen hardly any on this trip.   I do really like my osprey, though.

~ Anni ~

This is Saturday uploaded on Sunday - no internet access at the "dump"!!!

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