Food Truck

Quite a full day for us. To start off my wife and I went into school where she helped me laminate some of the charts I've been making. I've been working there for three years and for various reasons it was the first time she had been inside, so that was fun.

We went on to Belfast, and though we did not actually bring our own beer or eat any hot dogs at this eye-catching food truck, the fact that we parked nearby made it somewhat of a focal point of our visit. The excuse driving the excursion was a gift certificate my wife had given me for a game store in town, and it was fun to pick out something new to share with the kids next year. We actually went out to lunch (at a restaurant where you sit down and get served!) and looked around a couple touristy shops. Of course it was the local Goodwill where we actually bought something. 

It was raining for most of this whole trip, but that didn't matter. It was just nice to spend the day together and go off to do something new. 

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