Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Home time ….

Gathered all Franks belongings together this morning, he said goodbye to Lili and Oscar and into the car for the homeward bound trip.

Mummy and daddy were happy to see him and he was pleased to be home, back with his home comforts and his garden/house to protect.

After not seeing Phoebe for two weeks, he found out how active she has become, those crawling skills are coming along great and beginning to cruise around the furniture! (House in the process of being modified for a crawling/cruising little one).

Phoebe babbling away, copying sounds/actions - likes pat-a-cake clapping and sticking her tongue out! Also good at giving kisses to order (most of the time), although open-mouthed and a bit soggy. Adorable x

Relaxing evening, able to knit without having a dig in my lap ….. I do miss him, but he can always come for another holiday.


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