The reason for Nicky's parents' cruise ship's departure time's delay (gastroenteritis amongst the previous set of passengers, requiring cleansing) wouldn't have been so bad if they'd been able to put back their taxi by an hour only two, but the driver was already committed to picking someone else up back at Glasgow airport and they needed a vehicle which could fit Campbell's mobility scooter in. Plan C (requiring Nicky to go and meet them so they could sit in the car for a couple of hours) would have been OK were it not for Forth Ports' disinclination to believe that they operate a ferry/cruise terminal through which thousands of human people were booked to pass. I was originally considering getting the children to cycle over there to quickly meet their grandparents whilst they waited, which was downgraded to popping over in the train,which at least got us some nice scenery like the wee bridge in Rosyth which closely resembles the pedestrian footbridge removed from beside Newhailes Road before they filled it with houses.
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