By lizzie_birkett

Short Stories LBB7

This month the prompt for Love Blippin’ Books is short stories and I have had this little book for ages but never read it so it’s time I did!

LBB6 was the poetry month and I enjoyed reading a few poems from a book Melanie gave me quite a few years ago. Poems for Gardeners. It was good because I could still read my other fiction book alongside the poetry.

I’ve spent a good part of today watching Lino Print tutorials and have found one that is really easy to follow by a girl called Kerry Day so I’ve subscribed to that one. I have drawn out a picture that she showed and carved it on the piece of lino and tomorrow I’ll try printing it.

Melanie decided to take up the offer from Sabrina and go to stay at their house while her kitchen floor is being dug up this week. Her neighbour drove her there. Sabrina and co are of course in Spain but Melanie will be OK there with 3 cats to keep her company!

Wee Millie has been a bit naughty peeing and pooing the last two nights so there are doggy towels and newspaper all over the kitchen floor and she will sleep in her bed there with the door closed.

Book and bedtime now so Goodnight and thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts over the last week.

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