midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Morning visit to Barnpark with YS&D for ponies, dogs, ducks , chickens and rabbit in experiences . Drake loved Sasha the rabbit and collecting the eggs best.
Then to Dublin for a wonderful treat of an interactive Van Gogh exhibition. I loved it , learnt lots and had never looked at Vincent VG work in large scale. It really is awesome as in the proper use of the word !
I felt like I’d been to a spa and had some wonderful treatment after spending 30 mins in the enormous total immersion room ( think hanger , not room)! My eyes , ears , mind and soul were tingling with his shear creativity, skill and colours. It was so well done.
It finished with Virtual reality headsets and a mind bending tour into some of his most famous paintings . Amazing . I felt a bit queasy by the end but loved it and won’t forget it.

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