The nest has been fled . . .

Looks like we had visitors in room No 2 this spring.  The nest is empty but had been used, so a young family of sparrows is about.
I did once spot a sparrow going in, but otherwise they have managed to keep themselves secret.
The nest will be left like that, so hopefully they will return next year, and perhaps bring some friends to lodge in rooms 1 and 3.
The day spent printing the ‘Order of Service’ programmes for Mark’s funeral on Thursday.  Of course BOTH printers decided to play up, but I finally got there in the end.  The most annoying thing was the high spec heavy paper that we have used for years decided to not behave in my ‘Epson WorkForce’.  It has never been a problem before.  In the end I had to use Mrs W’s photographic printer, and that kept throwing wobblys. What should have taken about an hour max took the best part of four!

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