
Little Man and I were up early again this morning. I also had a bad night's sleep. So we stayed home this morning. On Sundays, I normally take Little Man to church, but I didn't have the energy to walk there and back.

We did go down for a lovely walk this afternoon. I wanted to get some fresh air into our lungs. We did some exploring and found another path that led onto the Isabel Trail. It was extremely peaceful, despite the number of bikers, dog walkers, and joggers that went past. I took this photo whilst we were walking, the thistle is beautiful. I didn't realise that the insects were sitting on both thistles until I'd got the photo.

I've got Formula One on the radio. It's the only way I can keep abrest with the Austrian Grand Prix on. Looks like another one in the book for Max Verstappen. I love the drama of these races!

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