
Wildlife videos.
The badger family.
Pa badger KissyKissy, is always wrecking my rubber safety mats.
He wants the bits and worms that are within the holes...


Creative is a kaleidoscope of a red rose...in Laboscope

Have your best day...

My microwave blew up spectacularly yesterday. Nothing I did wrong. It's clean, had food inside, but everything was blackened...

On to Amazon. Paid for before 1pm delivery, still cost less than any store delivery. It arrived around 9am in an immaculate white estate car, and an oriental gentlemen brought it into my kitchen. He was struggling with the weight of it, and I had only chosen a small compact one. He looked at me doubtfully, and asked me if I was able to unpack it and lift it to my worktop. I am just shaking my head, wondering how I am going to do this. Within seconds, new microwave is on worktop, packaging is ripped up and put in blue recycle bag. And he asks me if I want the old microwave outside. I say yes thank you.
I put my hands together as if in prayer, and say Namaste, and give a little bow.
There are tears I'm my eyes. I am so grateful.
Old microwave now has a tomato plant full of tomatoes on the top of it.

You have a good day.

I was particularly kind to someone midweek while I was out, who was very distressed, and I sorted her out. And then an hour later she came looking for and found me, and thanked me so much, I had saved her day.

This oriental delivery guy went over and above for me. I am so grateful.

Kindness always gets passed on when we least expect it and when it is most needed.

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