Do you think I’d get a prize for the ‘wonkiest’ carrots...!!??
They’ve grown so well but completely and I can confirm that they are absolutely delicious......you will Never, Ever get this carrot taste from anything you buy, no matter how ‘Organic’ they say it is.......it is one of my dearest memories from childhood (and older) ....my Dad picking the first of the ‘carrot thinnings’ and my Mam making fresh Parsley Sauce to go with them...!
I transplanted these from tiny seedlings and of course this is not the way to sow carrots at all ....even though I had the best fine compost and horticultural sand in the box they’ve still ‘curled up’....!!
I’ve been off Blip for days now ......big things and news happening here....some possible life changing moves for us....we can only hope for the best and look positively to the future...!!
Long story short, we are in the process of putting our house up for sale...and have been down with our Son looking at houses in the North West....in and around the area where himself and E live....she is from down that way and they will stay there. It’s a lovely part of the country ....probably gets a bit more wet weather than we do in the East but the beautiful countryside and beaches make up for that....
There is some little bit of me wants to go back to how I grew up and have my chickens and a poly tunnel to garden in etc, etc.....and as my hubby is retiring this year would like something similar....and of course Mel will be happy to go wherever we are.....:))
So, I’ll keep you ‘posted ‘ as things develop....!!!
So, we have been working SO HARD both inside and out over the last few weeks...we’re exhausted and the traveling over and back across the country has been tiring too....but I’m very glad now of my new found energy ...I’m ‘wrecked’ yes and in pain by night but can cope with it and manage it well...I am still so thankful to have encountered this doctor....
Hope all are having a good weekend....
Happy Sunday...love & light..
Annie & Mel..
PS ...Mel says to tell you that she’s been very well looked after by one of our neighbors...x
2nd July...quote..
Learn To Experience And Appreciate The Present Moment...
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