
Woke up a bit late but decided to make a day of my ticket for a concert in Crail church as part of the East Neuk festival. Set off, dithering about whether to go first to St Andrews, or Falkland, or a coast walk, but settled on Falkland given it was a bit windy for the coast and I wasn’t sure I had time to do St Andrews justice. Just before I arrived in the village though I passed the Pillars of Hercules farm shop and so went in. There was a sign to a gallery and cafe through the woods so I set off for a brisk walk having had such a lazy day yesterday…beautiful to have the sun coming through the trees and a lovely path to walk on. The signs gave out though and after 20 mins seeing nothing but a few people all going along different paths I turned back. Lots of birdsong (robins, blackbirds and wrens) and it had been a lovely walk so I didn’t mind just going to the farm shop cafe. Sat out in their cafe garden in glorious sunshine eating my mushrooms on toast and with a big cup of coffee. Bliss! Picked up a few very reasonably priced wildflower plants for A that should all clump up and spread, then back in the car and over to Crail airfield for a video and sound installation in an abandoned air force building (part of the festival). Projected images from the 1940s of civilian and forces life, against the very decrepit walls with music from the time and others soundscapes. Fascinating being inside the building but didn’t really engage me as a piece of art. From there to Crail village and parked up near the church then went for a wander round the harbour. Lots of people eating fresh boiled lobster from the shack and sheltering in the sun from the very strong (but warm) wind. After a look around and visiting some of the open studios they had on this weekend around the town I stopped at the tea room for scone and tea. Managed to get a table outside with the fabulous view over the sea…gorgeous!
Walked over to the church a bit early for the concert and bumped into TO’S and ES so we had a long chat about community choirs, grandchildren (they’re about to have their first), US vs UK lifestyles and salaries, and opera. All very jolly….
The concert was very good with fabulous playing despite not being what was advertised (some musicians were not able to attend so they’d substituted extra pieces from the ones who could), although I was disappointed at the change in programme. Turned out the first performer on an accordion but played nothing like I’ve ever heard before is an RCS undergraduate….unbelievable level of skill and musicianship.
Home and had leftovers for supper then chatted and texted with A and L arranging things for tomorrow, and spent the rest of the evening reading to finish the novel I started yesterday.
Somewhat introspective but lovely day

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