Home grown

And here we are, July. It wasn't a great morning, squally showers and gusty wind. Completed the putting away of stuff from Thursday and did the tidying I should have done before I went to Illetas, including washing the kitchen floor! That enables me to reflect on Thursday's discussions and I came to a conclusion which led to a long email.

That fine off to Cameron Toll for food and then to Mum's to read meter, chat and deliver the Spanish goodies.

The weather had improved so I tackled the wind and rain battered roses, dead heading and braving the thorns to try and stake them up. I also cut the grass. The garden has erupted in the past week and in some parts of clearly out of control. 

Then to Roslin via M&S to collect Tuesday's headgear. Chat about holidays past and holidays upcoming and suitcases and then home. I caught up with the SHOTY final and WDYTYA. Bear Grylls is a shocking actor but the Kevin Clifton one was genuinely moving. And suddenly it was past 11 and time for bed. 

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