
I took bunch of pictures this morning when I was weeding. I think this is one of the bushes that flower. I'm too lazy to dig up the name for it this minute.

It started to rain at 2 pm and hasn't stopped yet. This will definitely make a difference in the nature. And it will rain nearly a week, even if it will break at times.

We went to a garden shop and we bought 4 berry bushes ( I think), one vine and some perennial. Oh and more strawberries. 2 different kinds. All planted. My husband was digging up the holes in the thunder and I was trying to move as fast as I could because it felt insane to do that in the thunder. But he was determined to get it done. And luckily we did without a lightning striking on us.

So new and old plants are getting lots of water now.

I also finished one the dresses I cut before and started on the make up bags.

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