A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Silly in Shetland!

We spent last night in Brae, in the region of Delting, North Mainland.
For dinner we had Spiced Tusk! It is a fish and is delicious! Extra 1

After, we took a walk around the town at 10.30 pm, it was still light. We saw a building that said ‘Delting Galley Shed’, as well as the major Up-Helly-Aa Viking style fire festival in Lerwick each January each region has one too, at the end of the torch parade a Viking galley ship is burned. 
In our hotel, the lounge was lined with shields from each year since 1996. It is carried by the Jarl for that year. His name is underneath the shield with that of the character from Norse history that he is representing and what he was known for. Really interesting. Further extras.

As we were quite well north we spent the morning exploring first Muckle Roe, an island attached by a bridge, and then Eshaness in Northmavine where we spotted these guys. This area is part of a UNESCO Geo park. We stopped at a campsite cafe for coffee overlooking the massive cliffs and bay. There were some information boards explaining the geology of the area.
Entering Northmavine you pass Mavis Grind, a strip of land on which the road travels which separates the Atlantic Ocean from the North Sea. In times past people with boats would haul them out here and drag them across the land to save the dangerous journey around the north of the island by sea.

Heading to the very end of the road at Isbister we saw an aircraft alongside a house - apparently rescued to be renovated and - a cake fridge, help yourself and pay in the honesty box! We did. 
Brilliant! All perfect for Silly Saturday!

Returning to Lerwick we could see the Sullum Voe oil terminal in the distance but after a dry morning the expected rain arrived and it was shrouded in mist.
(We’ve been hearing about today’s forecast all week so were pleased to get a dry morning.)

Stopped in Brae again for a bit of shopping and we are now in our apartment in Lerwick for the rest of our stay and very nice it is too. (Had to book last night because of ferry schedules and also lose one night in Orkney). We’ve a view over the harbour from the living room and the Main Street from our bedroom. Lots of flags up for the Tall Ships coming at the end of the month, wish we could be here.

Dinner is booked just down the street too. We’re very comfy so don’t mind that is raining! Can’t believe we’ve had one week of our holiday already!

Thank you for the love of the puffins yesterday.

Sorry I write too much but it is my record, could write so much more about these islands.

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