
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 76/92
Main activity: Fri - TJs, web work, roof scan
Notes: Woke earlier than expected. Waited on coffee and headed to Trader Joe's a little after 8a. Was a pretty quick trip and the store was quiet which was really nice (and they finally had my goat kefir and organic arugula back in so a huge plus!). Debated coming back whether to go north and hit Whole Foods also but didn't. More web work on Jo's site, short time at pool (not empty today) and then back and more web work, talked to Mom, late-ish light meal around 2p. Joe picked me up after 7p for a roof scan at St Pete College, Tarpon Springs campus (2 roof sections). He'd had his 2nd to last radiation in the morning and was struggling with fatigue, strength, etc. Many many wet areas and lots of core cuts nearly did him in and was after 1130p when we finally were headed back. Late night and didn't fall asleep right away.

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