Silly Saturday

It's the first Saturday of the month, and therefore time for a hosted Silly Saturday challenge in memory of Admirer - so if you have the chance, please see if you can find something suitably daft to blip today! The tags are SilSJul2023 and/or SilS352. I have the pleasure of being your host this time.

You may remember Bernard (aka Humphrey when he's cross!) who starred in my June 3rd silly blip. Well he was so pleased then that he asked to star this month too - in fact he threatened to turn into Humphrey if I didn't let him test out all these items of baby equipment on my blip, so who was I to resist? Bernard is very excited as he's going to meet our Toronto-based Grandson on Wednesday - they're coming over to spend several days staying with us (we're excited too of course!). Hence the items of essential equipment which we've been accumulating over the last few days.

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