Summer garden flowers still life

This blip is a partner of Spring garden flowers still life blipped on May 20th 2023. I picked the flowers from our garden to place on the kitchen table this evening for a wee supper party with Katharine and Jack. The menu comprised baby tomato, basil and mozzarella as hors d'ouvres, creamy potato and mushroom bake and smoked meats with a green salad for the main course, and Scottish strawberries in Kirsch syrup for pudding. Following the meal, Mr hazelh and our guests performed a wee music concert for Mummy hazelh in the sitting room.

As usual for a Friday morning, I was at the gym. After lunch I spent most of the afternoon shopping for, and preparing, tonight's meal. I also popped into our corner shop (AKA John Lewis) to buy some green darning wool so that I can repair one of Mummy hazelh's cashmere cardigans (a moth victim).

It's all been a bit of a struggle for me today because I hardly slept at all last night. My Garmin recorded 3 hours of sleep, but I know that that figure is incorrect because this period covers the time when I was reading in bed. At an absolute maximum, I must have managed about an hour and a half of slumber. For this reason, I headed off to bed as soon as we all left the dinner table this evening, missing out on the sitting room concert in favour of an early-ish night.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (17,048 steps).

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