Spikey Things

Late afternoon, Doug and I went for a walk - we left it late hopefully cooler but I still struggled.   Too hot for me.
I snapped these as we walked along, they had grown very high and looked good against the sky.....but I like them even more in black and white.

We're home alone.  The family have gone away with friends inland to a cattle station just for an over nighter. Tenting. The families do lots of fun farm things, herding cattle from goodness knows where, getting them into the yards then branding them (that’s not a fun thing). They take the kids for rides on the trailer behind the four wheeler, they have games set up, bbq, big bonfire, cooking marshmallows over the embers.  These families do it every year and is a weekend to remember.  Last year when we were here we went up for the day.

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