
Dull then wet day….rubbish….so after changing T’s bed linen and catching up on some emails I decided to abandon myself to leisure and downloaded a novel on kindle and just settle down to read most of the day. Still feels odd to do this, and my urge to be moving had me do some floor exercises* at one point and then nipping to the supermarket later but otherwise I literally just lay on the sofa reading.
A called on her way home whilst I was making a one pot chicken supper and some shortbread, then after supper I read some more then watched some TV. What a lazy day…..

* I’d seen somewhere that one good set of exercises to do is to lay down then stand up without leaning on anything, and do this repeatedly for a few minutes from different starting positions on the floor. Amusing, and easy to do…goodness knows if it’s actually any use!

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