Post Trip Ruminations

I liked watching this woman settle into her seat: pillow, sweater, shoes on, shoes off, earpods. She was a sort of mirror image of myself: keeping to herself quite a bit, gazing out the window. Gazing out the window is such a great way to think and reflect. Another thing I really liked was how the whole scene reminded me of the train paintings by Deborah DeWit, like the one here. 
We did get to know each other, too. She's from Fargo, was going to see her grandson graduate from high school in Olympia, realized there was a quicker way to get there (straight through to Seattle instead of going all the way to Portland first, then another train to Seattle), but that allowed her to see the great scabland country of Eastern Washington. 
You know, scablands, two major rivers, watching Montana go from grand mountains to prairies, to the softer, greener farmlands of North Dakota and Minnesota in the spring: I love it all, and already want to do it again. 

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