Capital adventures

By marchmont

Another beach

Despite all attempts, including moving to the bottom of the bed, near the door, I did not sleep. I eventually got up about 3.30 and read. Then it was down to the front to await the taxi. I bought a couple of gifts and walked the miles to the gate. Inevitably a bus transfer but we took off almost on time.  

It was a good flight but sadly France was still covered in cloud so I couldn't see my old home area. There was a view of the peaks of the Pyrenees but the cloud didn't fully lift till we were north of Manchester.  

We landed 20 minutes early and I was off really quick and, including a detour to talk to Special Assistance, I was home before 11.  Unpacked and caught up on a few things, including opening 2 bank accounts.  I also read the papers for tonight's meeting and too soon it was time to get changed and set off.

The Board meeting went well I think though there was a long in camera discussion about the car!  Then for the retirement dinner.  I had never been to Wedgwood before.  The food was very good and the chat, though the fact the Board arrived after the rest of the guests made integration a challenge.  

It was after 10 when M organised his wife to come and give us a lift home.  I kicked off the heels, dress etc and went straight to bed.   A long day. 

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