
I'm posting this now, so I don't forget. Little Man and I are in town. I wanted to get us out of the house because the Little Man was getting restless. The weather has taken a definite and is very overcast, which reminds me of the weather last year. I had planned to walk up to Stafford Castle, like we did last year, but the weather is a bit too unpredictable, and I don't trust any of the weather apps. They say there won't be rain and then it rains. I thought that if we came into town and it rained, we'd be able to find shelter really quickly. The rain cover for the pushchair is in the basket underneath the chair part of the pram. So if we get caught by the rain on the way home, then at least Little Man stays dry.

I'm posting a photo of my vape and the liquid I'm currently using because I wanted to put it on record that this stuff is my life save (or one of them). Since the problems caused by the disposable vapes hit the news, I've been asked if I'm daring to continue vaping, knowing the risks. I've explained that the battery is rechargeable and the pods are open system, so I can refill them with a liquid and strength of my choice. Then, when the time comes to change the pod (due to it wearing out), I buy a new pod and fill it up as per normal. It's cheaper than buying closed system (prefilled) pods or cigarettes.

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