Against the Light

Today’s mono abstract comes from a visit to the reserve in Conwy - with a little help from DistressedFX. It’s no great mystery - one of the magnificent teasels that seem to have grown into giants almost overnight. 

It’s been a better day in many ways - largely, I suspect, from accepting the situation and going with the flow. Strangely, I’m focusing on a revamp of my wardrobe - lots of looking through company website sales. This in itself has to be a positive, optimistic step, planning for going out again and wearing something other than leggings. I just have to hope that inactivity and medication don’t conspire together into massive weight gain! 

And I have a phone call from my lead consultant  wanting to know how I’m getting on. She’s been considering my medication and wants to swap one of my antibiotics for another - great news to me as it will get rid of the irritating odd one-one-out that needs taking twice a day and inevitably almost gets forgotten. But once again, I can’t believe just how attentive she is, and just how much time she’s spending on my case. 

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting! 

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