
Started the day with sad news from V about the death of a lovely former colleague who retired 10 yrs ago - JT - he'll be so missed by his family who adored him but also by those who worked with him. Always had a twinkle in his eye and he was unerringly helpful and so kind. I'll never forget how excited he was to be invited to the Chancellor's dinner at Holyrood Palace once...he was bursting with it! Farewell lovely man.
Took a trip with T to Wickes to get a replacement spotlight for my kitchen (very timely for T to be here!) then we continued on to Gullane for a long walk along the beach and found (and touched up) our charcoaled marks inside the cave from our visit in February.
Sat on the bench at the top whilst we chatted and T had a Solero…we were so lucky with the weather which was glorious (whilst A had rain at their place, just a few miles inland from us).
Had lunch in the garden at Bonnie Badger, moving tables a couple of times to get the right mix of sun and shade (and avoid the smug chat of a couple of Ladies who Lunch!)
Home and changed the light then had a little sit down ….plus snooze for T who can sleep any time any place! Suddenly realised it was time for me to change and go down to town for a reception in St Andrews Sq showcasing the new concert hall. Met by a Gleneagles golden eagle, then cocktails and canapés and chat, plus music from the Dunedin consort. Lovely venue…what a ceiling!

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