Oh dear….

We were getting ready to leave for the mountains today, but I looked down and saw my foot had gone a strange blue colour. Looking a bit more I realised it was my whole lower leg that was swollen and going a fine shade of bruise.
I admit it worried me a little. I was sure it was connected to my injured knee but wasn’t sure if it was an infection or internal bleeding! We rang the health line and were advised to take it to A&E. So instead of a trip to the mountains it was a trip to hospital!
They manoeuvred the leg, pressed the knee, x-rayed the knee, manipulated the knee a bit more and finally announced it was only slightly damaged, and would fix itself given a bit of time, and the swelling and bruise-like colouring was bleeding, perhaps because I’m on blood thinners, but that could also be left to fix itself. All that took about 6 hours.
It was reassuring news and I was happy that we could continue with our trip to the mountains, albeit a day late.
As a slight bonus I spotted several elk as Jan drove home. 1:30 a.m. on the white nights seems to be a favourite time for them to move

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