
By NightOwl45

My PGCE Graduation Anniversary

Unfortunately, fibromyalgia and a very full diary of health and other appointments has left me incredibly fatigued and pained so playing catch up with Blip, I’ve missed it!

Today is the 18th anniversary of obtaining my PGCE in Secondary Education (English) in 2005.

I know people say this on an almost daily basis but I don’t know where the time goes! 

Today’s Blip is a photo of me in my first year - think I was more than six months old here. 

I was born in December in the coldest winter for thirty years (1981) and the suntan I have here is a result of a heatwave summer in 1982 - maybe some of you will remember it?

I will play catch up with comments, stars and hearts over the next couple of days :)

The past month has been incredibly busy and I have been focussing on Pain Clinic, paced exercise and taking time out between life commitments, appointments and pacing myself.

I’ve recommenced learning beginner level Ukrainian on Duolingo the past two days after fatigue held me back from daily lessons. I managed 83% today which I was pleased with given I’m out of practice!

Thanks for all your kind comments, stars etc during my Blipping absence :) xx

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