
By pensionspoet

A cinema outing!

I had a lie in. Still feeling tired after our 'holiday'. I really need another holiday to recover! So I took it slowly and went to singing, then shopping rather than the other way which is usual. It rained heavily this morning which was great for the garden, but then hot this afternoon. Mollie came shopping with me. We were getting all the bits for Saturday when we have invited both sides of the family to us in Norfolk, to celebrate Henry's birthday. Both families rarely come to us, so it will be special. But there is a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it.

This afternoon I did some tidying, cleaned the bathroom and changed sheets. Did 2 loads of washing, and made pastry for a quiche, which Mollie will put together tomorrow. We have lots of lists, to ensure we don't forget anything! Jon was working but when he finished he has moved some furniture about and hoovered.

We had an early dinner then drove in to Cromer and met Daniel at the cinema where we had tickets to see the new Indiana Jones film.

It was great. Another action packed film to finish of the series. I think Harrison Ford can retire now!

One more work day to finish another short working week. I could get used to a 3 day week!

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