
It's been three months since Wild Water Ponds came to service our pond but Jack arrived at lunchtime to clean the pump out, remove excess vegetation, blanket weed and duck weed and generally check things out.

He showed me all the little creatures that were in the pump tray that show that the pond is in good condition. I spotted a tiny frog in grass next to the pond. The photo shows Jack holding a tadpole in transition. It's already got legs and you can see frog colouring beginning to show through.

We'd just got back from having a coffee at Finkins where Len and Basil had waited while I was having a cut and blow dry. Carol was there and said how good it looked which was very cheering.

There's no doubt that my leg is getting much stronger. It took me hardly any time at all to walk the length of Hallcroft.

Sat on the patio in the afternoon to read Anthony Sheldon's book on Boris at Number 10. What a charlatan! The people who supported Boris must be even dumber than him.

Did honey coated halloumi slices for tea. Len prepared and cooked the potato wedges in the air fryer.

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