Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

I Haz Peanut!

Currently, I fling bird seed under our maple tree in the early morning, and then again after I feed Bugsy his dinner at 4:00 PM. It is always vastly amusing to see the birds swoop in immediately to hoover it all up. They are well aware of the schedule.

This particular bird was introduced to the feeding routine by his parents. I've seen all three together on several occasions, but these days even when I don't see a parent I see the juvenile. He's already learned where to get a meal! I love him.

He's a young of the year/immature red-bellied woodpecker. I'm saying "he" but I really can't tell yet - not until the red feathers on its head come in. I see a little pink, but not enough to tell if it'll be a full cap (male) or if it'll have a break in it (female).

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