Waiting for the Feast.

This afternoon we took a short walk taking advantage of the new seat that I asked (suggested to) the council for on the playing field.  A pleasant 15 minute rest.
Biskit sat there looking at the marquees set up ready for the Village Feast this coming Saturday.
British Gas have surpassed themselves.  On Monday I told the saga of reporting Marks death to them, and that they were to call back at 11 am this morning.  So after ¾ hour I gave up waiting and was able to complete the whole thing online with their form (couldn’t use it before as I didn’t have the final readings hence the phone call).  This took about 4 minutes!  (It was 30 minutes talking on Monday for the same information!)
I finally had a call back at just gone 4 pm!  The excuse for not calling in the morning was they were too busy.  When I pointed out that I had waisted 45 minutes this morning they just repeated the excuse and hung up on me!  (Well the line went dead.) 
When I emailed the complaints department I found that that email has been discontinued!  Also the online chat was suspended!  So they got my complaint as ‘Feedback’ !!
I feel a letter to the Times is coming on . . .
Now to get our supper – well it’s Thursday and the chippy calls!

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