
Up EARLY today!! I was awake at just after 6 AM as Brian, who had had a very rough night and consequently chose to sleep on the sofa, woke me up when he came up to get his work-clothes. (Serves me right for struggling not to find his predicament last night amusing!)

Anyway I managed to get my act together today and was a bit more productive. I have sorted and sent off mail, done a load of washing along with Pilates and a few other minor jobs.

Also I went to the Co-op and took advantage of their  deal of 2 pizzas and 4 bottles of Budweiser for £6. A saving of £8 at Co-op regular prices! Whilst our I had a wander in the Arboretum to find a Blip. I really like this gorgeous, shiny metallic-looking damselfly. I think it is a Familiar Bluet, according to the Google image search. I have never seen one of these before!

now I will finish my coffee then go visit Dad again. 

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