Today's Fashion Shoot

A whole day looking after the minky - which is now the routine for every Wednesday (well, when we’re here, obvs). So we took her to Go Outdoors and entertained her awhile looking at (playing in) the tents. Then a visit to the boat to drop off a couple of gas canisters. Back to play, lunch, and a tiny bit of TV (not too much, noooo) before a trip over to the beach. Phew. She’s a lovely wee thing though and generally quite biddable. Or bribable. 
Later up to see the chums. Imagine - last orders 10:30! Kicking out 11pm. They’re redecorating the place apparently. Not changing the marooon paint, I trust.
Finally, a ding-dong-do as Phil would say. Over email. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. MsX is a leading light in the marine conservation world around the area. She’s been much enraged by the Sea Cadets training in the harbour as there’s a sweet wee seal which hauls its fat ass onto a pontoon at high water and the cadets get too close! Now read on..

"the children in the dinghy have been circling the seal for an hour. Luckily this seal is tough enough not to be intimidated but it is clearly stressed....This present and ongoing wildlife harassment is being recorded as part of an annual report and the Sea Cadets will be named. With so much water to play in, I can only imagine your tutor and students are actually taunting the seal. It's incredibly poor reputationally and behaviourally.”

The cadets CO has replied (they lodge in our yard y’see) …"The survival of seals on the Forth is not dependant on their ability to bask in the sun on a pontoon in Granton Harbour at will. ... In making this response I am arguing in favour of the continued uninterrupted use of Granton Harbour for water borne activities for all users, and against the appeasement of a few recent residents to the area who for their own selfish interests wish to be entertained by a harbour seal.”

Culture wars come to Granton!  

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