
Arthur and I drove an hour to Ithaca to meet up with Kelsey and her friends. It's a super cute town full of hipsters. We ate at this Mexican restaurant that looked over the Main Street and the oddest assortment of people passed by. I think a requirement of living there is at least one tattoo.

We walked around Ithaca fest for a bit. There was live music, local food, local strange people, and hipster artists. It was a super cute place.

We took a wrong turn when we were leaving and ended up on Cornell's campus. My oh my, how does anyone visit that school and not fall in love? It's beautiful. This was one of the buildings I really liked. Their frat houses are out of a movie too.

"Just as real events are forgotten, some that never were can be in our memories as if they had happened."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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