Maine Lupine Morning

We're all settled in after an easy ride yesterday. No rain, no traffic, record time, 5.5 hours and no singing cats. they slept, sedated the whole way. It has rained on and off all day here with fog enveloping, lifting and shrouding us again. T worked remotely and I puttered around and relaxed. I picked a big bunch of lupine and peonies, did the crossword in the Bangor Daily and snuggled with Raven. She had zero adjustment period and is  already the queen of the house. Fianna is a bit more tentative, out and about cautiously and tucking behind the washer and the dryer when she needs security. In the extra, she's inspecting the wood for the kitchen wood stove.

For the Record,
This day came in rainy with heavy fog. This seems to be the weather for the next 10 days or so, but we just love being here and have plenty to do , games, a 1000 piece cat puzzle and our books.

All hands happy

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