My three girls

I haven't written about the loss of the chickens very much. There was the weekend when Dan was away and we lost a chicken and a duck. Then several days later we lost my sweet Chewy and the chicken in the back there almost got taken. She lost a huge amount of feathers but otherwise escaped unscathed at least physically. I know we are courting danger when we let our birds free range. But what we should have done ages ago was fence along the wood line so they couldn't get back in the trees. Dan has since put up a fence and eventually it will be more permanent but it keeps the birds out of the woods and so far these three have stayed safe. The silly ducks just spend all day in their pool so they haven't even thought of wandering in the woods.
Anyway, the girls like to hang out in the duck house a lot of the day when they aren't scratching about. Honey in the front is wondering if she needs to jump up and run away from me. Scruffy my one old girl left from the previous flock is the brown one (Scruffy used to be the lowest in the pecking order and usually looked pretty scruffy. Now she is the top banana) and Smokey is in the back ground. She is growing feathers back and hopefully will start to lay again at some point. We will probably get a couple more later in the season so there will be more body mass to keep warm in the winter.
My extra is one of my alliums almost ready to bloom. I can't wait to see how blue it's going to be.

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