
Bitty day today, trying to do things around the weather.

We first went down to the sea at Red Wharf Bay.  The sea was a long way out and the weather was beginning to take a turn for the worse, so we returned to the car and drove to an antiques shop.  We spent a while in there (after failing to park a couple of times) but didn't find anything worth buying at a reasonable price.

We returned to the cottage to make lunch, then drove through to Angelsey Sea Zoo.  We managed to dodge most of the children and had a good look around before pausing for tea and cake.

We drove to the burial mound at Bryn Celli Ddu (see extra) and had a good wander around there.  We then drove to a pub and had a lovely pizza in their beer garden.  

Finally we drove back to the same beach again.  By this time the sun had come out and the tide had come in.  We waited for it beginning to turn and watched some tiny crabs wandering about before returning back the cottage for a well earned chocolate pudding.

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