Counting with Fawns: One, Two, Three Fawns

I was on my morning walk, over on Stonerow, and I'd gotten as far as I was going to go, so I turned around to come back. I heard a strange chirring noise; several of them, actually, and I checked to see what was going on. Well, it was squirrels, maybe as many as eight of them, and I'll tell you that story in a minute. But as I turned to look at the squirrels, I also noticed two shapes in a neighbor's yard: fawns!

As I watched, I realized there were not just one, or two fawns, but THREE fawns. They were playing together and I felt so blessed to see them. For there is not much more silly, engaging, and delightful in the world than spotty fawns!

There were two fawns standing very close to each other, and then I noticed a third one had joined them. I have no idea if they are from the same family, but I do expect they may be from the same family GROUP. A doe typically has one or two fawns, has been my experience; triplets would be uncommon.

As I finished taking pictures of the fawns, and they scattered into the nearby woods, I heard more weird chirring noises. And here is what happened next. I swear I am not making any of this up! Folks, I stumbled upon a marauding renegade band of commando tactical squirrels!

As I watched in amazement, first one, then two, then at least six to eight squirrels crossed the road in front of me, chasing each other, all making the chirring noise. They fanned out, seeming to coordinate and keep in touch via the chirring noise, and played and jumped in the trees above me. Such gymnastics I saw! Wow! It was amazing!

Then they all crossed BACK over the road, one by one, spiffy-quickly, and they went on to the next property, where they chased each other up and down over a stump, complete with all kinds of crazy noises. It sounded like war, or possibly romance; with squirrels (and other wild creatures), it's sometimes hard to tell.

At one point, the branch above me was rockin' and I thought for sure I was going to end up with a lapful of squirrels. Which would probably not be a GOOD thing. They were practically swarming over the stump, in fact. And no, I have never seen anything like it! At one point, a dark squirrel (perhaps their ringleader?) gave me a look that seemed to say, "What? Have you never seen commando tactical squirrels before?"

Now, I did take some photos of those squirrels, but in the pictures, they just looked like regular squirrels. So I'm not going to bother wasting one of my precious extra photos to demonstrate, but I did give you the amazing squirrel story to go along with this day! You're welcome!

For my three little fawns above, I want a song from Trio, by Dolly, Emmylou, and Linda: My Deer, um, I mean My DEAR Companion. Enjoy!

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