Mersey Flow

Hospital day again, although a shorter one than usual.

The forecast wasn’t good, so I decided to head for Catalyst, the chemistry museum and discovery centre on Spike Island. That involved me crossing the toll bridge to Widnes. Payment has to be on the MerseyFlow App.

When I arrived there were two coaches with children disembarking, and a third arrived later. The place was going to be far too busy for me, I had a peep inside but will visit Catalyst on a quieter day. However it stayed dry, and I enjoyed having a mooch around Spike Island with its views of the Estuary.

The main - looking towards the bridge, I liked the Canada geese and crazy paved mud in the foreground. The extra is the museum, lots of kids playing on the fun structures outside (the museum is clearly all set up with children in mind). This area was once all chemical factories and workers housing, it’s a lot greener now.

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